Thursday, 3 November 2016

​The moment you start thinking;​

​1. I'm older than him but he's become richer than me.​

​2. I'm more beautiful than her but she's got a nicer husband than me.​

​3. I'm from a better and affluent home so why should he be brilliant than me?​

​4. I'm older than her so why should she marry before me?​

​5. I'm married before her, she's conceived and given birth yet I don't know when i will be pregnant, what's wrong with me, why me ?​

​6.I'm into the business before her so how come she surpassed me in customers and wealth?​

​7. I taught him when we were writing WASCCE , he's a Medical Doctor now and I'm struggling with HND.​

​8. I trained him when he was employed here so why uplift his rank above me?​

​9. We entered medical school togetheror I even entered before him but he's graduating before me​

​10. Why am I always falling sick or encountering one problem or the other while others are not?​

And this .....and that...

​My dear, don't go far but start repenting to Allaah SWT because you are being ungrateful. Who are we to question Allaah's decree? Do we know what is better for us than Allaah SWT? A BIG NO!!!​

​Remembere Allaah's verse:​
......."La'in shakartum la aziidannakum wa la'in kafartum inna azaabii la shadeed_ ​(If you are grateful, I will surely increase you(in favour); but if you deny, indeed,  My punishment is severe)”   (Qur'an 14:7).​

​The prophet advised us to always look at those that we're better than and not those that are better than us so that we'll be grateful for the favours of Almighty Allah on us​

​Dear, in times of distress look at Allaah's favour on you over others and be grateful rather than questioning why things don't happen the way you want,  we know not but Allaah knows best. Every destiny has it's time to be fulfilled, WAIT! WAIT!! PLEASE WAIT FOR ALLAAH'S TIME IS THE BEST.​

